St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Called and Set Free to Build Relationships with God, Each Other, and the World, through Jesus Christ our Lord
St. Paul's Prayer Groups
This group meets on Tuesday Nights at 7pm for prayer and Bible Study. Snacks and Beverages are provided. Please contact Ike Eisinger at (863) 293-8525.
DAUGHTERS OF THE KING - meets every second Sunday of the month after the 8:00 a.m. Service, in the Harding Room. All women of the parish are encouraged to attend these study and prayer meetings. Please call Ellen Underwood at (561) 294-2627 for more information.
This group meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am to walk the church property proclaiming scripture and praying for the protection and needs of the church and the community that surrounds it. For more information, Please contact Fr. Paul Head at (863) 307-1432.
This group meets in St. Mary's Chapel during our Sunday morning and Wednesday night Services to meet the needs of those seeking intercessory prayer. If you desire prayer, please move to St. Mary's Chapel during communion and someone will pray with you. To get more information please contact Deacon Kay Ruhle at (863) 640-3468