St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Called and Set Free to Build Relationships with God, Each Other, and the World, through Jesus Christ our Lord
St. Paul's Fellowship Groups
The Crafty Crew meets Thursdays at 10am in the office conference room for fellowship and to make prayer shawls for those who are sick or have experienced loss. For more information on joining this group, please contact Ann Webinga at (863) 294-8888.
Teams maintain kitchen inventory, grocery shop for meals, wash linens, and organize our parish kitchen for our dinners and breakfasts. Contact Ike Eisinger at (863) 287-5920 to volunteer.
This is one church that enjoys eating! Come join us for meals on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings from September to May. During the summer, we go out to eat. Groups gather to play Bridge and Hearts after the dinner on the first and third Wednesdays of the month except during the summer.
Parishioners and friends meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 2:30 pm, to play 9 holes of golf at Lake Bess Country Club in Winter Haven. We play September through May. All golfers are WELCOME and ENCOURAGED to join us! Please call Jim & Marilyn Pearce at (863) 318-1220.
Monthly suppers are held in parishioners' homes. You may host a dinner, or just bring a dish and enjoy the fellowship. Sign up sheets are posted in the Narthex inside the Church entrance. If you would like to sign up for the first time, please call and you can be added to the Social Supper mailing list. For more information, call Marianne Beck at (863) 326-9369.