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St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Called and Set Free to Build Relationships with God, Each Other, and the World, through Jesus Christ our Lord
Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to Peace and to mutual edification. Romans 14:19

What if you knew where all of your money was going each month? What if you were debt-free, investing and making wise spending decisions? With Dave Ramsey’s class Financial Peace University, you CAN take control of your money and start planning for your future. If you’re interested in learning more about the class, message me! Because we’re offering it here at St. Paul's just for you starting September 13th at 7pm.
Dinner is available at 6:30pm which follows our 5:35pm service for anyone who wants to attend. This is one of a group of classes that will be going on at the same time. We will meet in Room 106. Everyone is welcome!
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
656 Avenue L NW
Winter Haven, FL 33881
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